Payne Books

The Ear Book (Random House, 2007)
Payne re-illustrated this classic beginner’s reading book in 2007. The original was conceived by Dr. Seuss and written by Al Perkins in 1968. Payne’s illustrations freshen the book for a new generation of young readers.


Inside sample page:


Where Did Daddy’s Hair Go (Random House, 2004)
In 2004, Payne published – with his good friend, Joe O’Connor – his first children’s book. “Where Did Daddy’s Hair Go?” is an original tale of one child’s journey to understanding the phenomenon called baldness. O’Connor, himself proudly bald,  told the story to his children when they were young – then realized its story-telling potential for his 40 million hairless American brothers and their own children!
O’Connor’s story was a perfect fit for Payne’s drawing style. Publishing “Daddy’s Hair” was an adventure in itself with saleman-extraordinaire O’Connor criss-crossing the state of Michigan to place self-published copies in local Kroger stores. When a Random House rep happened on it one day, she sent it to New York where the publishing house saw “Father’s Day marketing opportunity” written all over the whimsical tale. Random House has sold over 10,000 copies since and the book is available here at

Front Cover:


Inside sample page:


Payne & Ink: The Cartoons and Commentary of Henry Payne, 2000-2001

Payne & Ink: The Cartoons and Commentary of Henry Payne, 2000-2001

(Distributed  by Wayne State Press, 2001)
In 2001, award-winning cartoonist and writer Henry Payne published his first anthology of cartoons and articles. Titled “Payne & Ink: The Cartoons and Commentaries of Henry Payne, 2000-2001,” the book chronicles the contentious 2000 election year and its aftermath. Payne’s book is a sweeping look at the issues and personalites that shaped those two years – from the last days of the corrupt Clinton regime to the Florida recount to the first 100 days of President Bush. In additon to his cartoon bulls-eyes, Payne’s articles provide a front-row seat on issues that impact heartland America. Writing from Detroit for The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, National Review, and other publications, Payne’s reports provide a historical perspective on the time’s major stories – most of which still echo today. Order “Payne & Ink” at here.

Payne & Ink: The Cartoons and Commentaries of Henry Payne, 2000-2001

Jimmy Hoffa called my Mom a Bitch by Jason Vines and Illustrated by Henry Payne

Jimmy Hoffa Called My Mom a Bitch: Profiles in Stupidity

Jimmy Hoffa Called My Mom a Bitch!: Profiles in Stupidity is a compilation of author Jason Vines best columns as an original contributor to The Detroit News political website beginning in June of 2010. The book s outrageous title becomes crystal clear moments into the book as the satire, jaw-dropping true stories and hilarity take off. Who says conservatives aren t funny? says Detroit News Editorial Page Editor Nolan Finley. Jason Vines delivers his smack-down humor without regard to whose nose gets mashed. He punches past political correctness to expose the hypocrisy of the left, the bungling of business and the lameness of our political leadership. If you re looking for subtlety, don t look here. Jason is blunt. And he s right

Henry Payne Illustrated the cover and contributed cartoons for each chapter.